Sunday, December 4, 2011

Street Proven Fight Winning Attitude

Most fights are lost for one very simple reason, hesitation. The person being attacked either does not react fast enough or is less willing to use violent force than the attacker.

Learning self defense and street fighting skills are a huge part of ensuring that you are victorious but your attitude and mindset are even more important.
When most of us (law abiding, courteous citizens) are attacked we don’t know how to react. We don’t use violence in our daily life, it is foreign to us. In fact, most people are downright uncomfortable with violence.

This is where criminals have a huge advantage. They survive off of violence and they are very good at scaring us normal folks into giving them what they want at the threat or use of a little violence.
On top of this most of the time it is hesitation that causes someone to lose a street fight. This is even a problem for those of us who are comfortable with the thought of using violence to protect ourselves and our families.

This is why simply knowing self defense and how to use violence will not save your kiester in a real street fight.

There are really two kinds of hesitation. The first kind is simply not acting soon enough. For example the all too common “I’m not going to hit first.” Other people simply refuse to accept the fact that a fight is coming until they get hit.

Don’t be that guy (or girl). Don’t get me wrong I’m not suggesting that you turn into a loose cannon, but if you feel threatened or you get that little twinge in your stomach that is telling you “somthin’ ain’t right” you must act immediately.

Let’s take a moment and discuss a little life lesson. Patience is only a virtue when you are dealing with your spouse, your child, or the DMV. Patience which is often hesitation in disguise will not serve you well most areas of life, especially not in a fight. Taking action puts you in control of the situation.

Control is good, especially when you are talking about control over your life.
Act, don’t react.

Okay enough with the philosophical stuff. Let’s get practical. If you are the first to hit you are statistically much more likely to win the fight. Enough said.

The second type of hesitation is more common for people who have martial arts or self defense training. This kind of hesitation causes people who ‘know better’ to get hurt and killed in street fights every year.

I’m talking about scale of violence. Many trained martial artists will lose street fights because they fail to bring enough violence into the fight. They know what to do but they just can’t bring themselves to do it.

They are comfortable with the thought of using vicious moves, and if you asked them if they would eye gouge someone who was threatening their life they would say ‘hell yeah.’
eye gouge techniqueAs with many things in life the trouble starts when they have to put that thought into action. The thought of doing an eye gouge is a lot different than the act of plunging your thumb into the eye socket of someone threatening your family.

When it comes down to it they are afraid to hurt someone who is trying to hurt them. This is the absolute worst reason to lose a fight.

If you don’t know how to fight and you get your butt kicked in a street fight you can’t really be criticized.

If you do know how to fight and you just failed to be mean and nasty enough to win you will get no sympathy from anyone who is experienced with street fighting or self defense.

The key is that once you engage a person who you know has no regard for your health and safety you must return the favor. As the old cliché goes you must fight fire with fire.
ear biting for self defenseHe is willing to do whatever it takes to win. The only thing that will stop him is him realizing that you are willing to do terrible things to him (stuff like snapping all the ligaments in his knee, blowing out his ear drum with an ear slap, or biting out a chunk of flesh).
Showing him that you are willing to use nasty street fighting moves will make your wallet suddenly much less valuable to him.
Criminals may be mean, cruel, and heartless but they aren’t stupid enough to lose an eye over a wallet.
It all comes back to that fight winning attitude. What are you willing to do to protect yourself? I am willing to use whatever means necessary. I hope you feel the same way.

If you do feel this way your fighting mindset should be as follows:

If someone tries to hurt me I am going to immediately use the most savage and violent force I know to eliminate the threat to my life.

It’s as simple as that. A fighting mindset doesn’t require meditation or hours of training. It requires you making a decision and promise to yourself that you will take the necessary action to save your skin.

Stay Smart and Stay Safe,


Special Agent Combatives

P.S.  Pick up your copy of Special Agent Combative System or Brutal Beyond Belief Today!

Great Fighters Know The Value Of A Good Distraction:

All great street fighters (or any kind of fighter) know the value of distraction. However, most average guys still believe in the ‘fair fight’ fantasy they have seen in movies or heard about in stories from our parent’s generation.

I’ve got some news for you. Those fair fights in the good ole’ days weren’t always so fair. And I can tell you for sure that today’s bar and street fights are never fair.

Okay so I’m sorry to ruin the romance about fighting, but what does this all mean for you. Well if the times have changed you have to change with them. So I’m going to tell you about one of the most useful little tools you need to have in your bag of nasty self defense tricks.

Ever noticed how it’s pretty hard to focus on more than one thing at a time? Have you ever seen that video where you are asked to watch the basket ball as several men pass it back and forth? If you haven’t check out the video below before you read on.

This video makes it pretty clear that our minds have a hard time focusing on more than one thing at a time. You would be foolish to not use this to your advantage.

There are literally thousands of things you can do to distract an attacker no matter where you are. But to make it more clear I will go over some of the general ways to distract in a self defense situation, then talk about some specifics for each type.

Verbal Distraction:
This kind of distraction is often used subconsciously by attackers. This includes yelling obscenities and heckling a person. It almost always forces the person being attacked to think about what is being said instead of focusing on what the yelling guy is doing.

If you find yourself in a self defense situation you can use this technique too. You don’t have to have something clever to say to make this work. Just yell something. Keep in mind that if a fight wasn’t eminent you have probably just made it eminent by yelling at the guy. So don’t use this unless you are pretty darn sure a fight is coming your way.

Also if someone tries to use this technique on you in a fight the key is recognize it early, ignore what is being yelled, and instead focus on the attackers body movements looking for targets etc.
The best part is, now that you are aware of this distraction technique it will be much less likely to work on you.

Physical Distraction:
This is anything you do which touches a person’s body and causes their mind to change focus from you to whatever the distraction was. Physical distractions are great self defense tools because it is even harder to ignore a physical distraction than a verbal distraction, even if you know it is a distraction.

A great example is throwing your drink at someone. If you are in a bar and a guy is trying to fight you or you know a fight is coming, chuck your drink at him. If it is one of those thick glass tumblers, all the better, you might not have to do anything else (how’s that for quick and easy).
However, if you were not the pitcher of your high school baseball team you probably aren’t going to take him out with a glass to the face, but that really isn’t the point of this move. In fact winding up to chuck it is a bad idea because it lets everyone in the room (including him) know that you are about to throw your drink (unwanted attention). Instead toss it in his face from a relaxed position in front of your body.

I guarantee he will be distracted for at least a second, long enough for you to deliver good shot to the face or groin, or maybe kick him off his bar stool (always a classic).
I’ve got more great distractions to share with you all, but I would like to hear from you too. If you have any distraction techniques you have used or know of any great tricks please share them with the other readers by leaving a comment below.

I’ll finish this post up next week and tell you about the other distractions I know work well.
Alright I hope you learned something from this, other than the fact that moon-walking bears are hard to see. If you want to learn how to follow up these distractions with some vicious and effective finishing moves check out my home page.

Stay Smart and Stay Safe,

Special Agent Combative System